Our process begins with an in-person consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals. Through a comprehensive skin & structure analysis, taking into account your budget & downtime availability, along with our refined anatomical knowledge and aesthetic eye honed by years of experience, we work to determine what can realistically be accomplished.

comprehensive facial analysis


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jersey city & manhattan's best botox injector

Wrinkle Relaxers

Crow's feet
Glabella & forehead
Glabella, forehead, crow's feet
(w/ complimentary brow lift)
Jaw (masseters)
Tox Neck Lift
Lip flip/ DAOs
Gummy smile/ chin
Nose tip/bunny lines


based on volume/area
based on volume

What are wrinkle relaxers?

Wrinkle relaxers, or neuromodulators, are an injectable option for patients seeking to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines in Jersey City. Wrinkle relaxers, like Botox, work by targeting the underlying muscles responsible for facial expressions. By injecting specific areas, such as the "11's" between the eyebrows, the muscles are temporarily relaxed, resulting in a smoother appearance of the skin with significantly less wrinkling. There are also quite a few other applications we can use wrinkle relaxers to help create a smooth, lifted appearance. We offer Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, & Daxxify.

Who is a candidate?

Anyone who is beginning to see static wrinkles (wrinkles that are present even without movement) is a candidate for Botox and similar wrinkle relaxers. A consultation is a great way to find out if what is bothering you can be treated with wrinkle relaxers or if we need to use other state of the art modalities to treat your concerns. Regardless of your aesthetic concerns, we have you covered at Sach Aesthetics!

What can botox help with?

Fine lines and wrinkles in the forehead, between the brows (11's), around the eyes (crow's feet), around the mouth and on the nose (bunny lines). It can also help patients with sagging in the jawline and neck, prominent neck bands, tight jaw and clenching/grinding, lots of gum show when smiling, dimpling chin, drooping nose tip when smiling, nasal flaring, excessive sweating anywhere on the body, and large pores and excessive oil production, to name a few.

What brands of wrinkle relaxers are available at Sach Aesthetics?

We have Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, and Daxxify available at Sach Aesthetics. Each brand has its own benefits and our experianced providers can help you determine which is best specifically for you! 

How long does Botox last?

Wrinkle relaxers last about 3-4 months with some newer ones that we have available that can last almost double the usual longevity.


jersey city and manhattan's natural filler injector


1/2 syringe
1 syringe
2 syringes
3 syringes
4 syringes
Tear troughs/temples/nose
Filler dissolving


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What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are hyaluronic acid gels that we inject into the skin to rejuvenate different structures under the skin. We have thicker, more cohesive fillers, that can mimic bone structure, all the way down to the most flexible, delicate fillers that can mimic soft, dynamic lip tissue. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring ring hydrator in out skin and gets slowly broken down over time.

What types of fillers are available at Sach Aesthetics?

At Sach Aesthetics, we only carry the highest quality, FDA approved brands from the United States including Allergan's Juvederm line, Galderma's Restylane line, and Revance's RHA collection. All of these top of the line fillers are pure hyaluronic acid. 

Will I look fake or unnatural after treatment with fillers?

Our signature work at Sach Aesthetics is always overwhelming natural and undetectable. You will look refreshed, crisp, and youthful without looking different or fake. We have over 7+ years of experience in aesthetics working under some of the best cosmetic dermatologist and facial plastic surgeons in the country. You can rest assured that we will ensure you only look like the best, most naturally beautiful version of yourself once everything settles down. 

What is the downtime after filler treatment?

Expect to have some swelling and bruising after treatment. Once you set up an appointment, you will be sent pre and post care instructions to minimize your downtime. Generally, we tell patients to allow a few weeks for settling and touch up prior to a very important event. Bruising and swelling subsides about 14 days after treatment. We do not recommend wearing makeup or working out for 14 hours post treatment. 

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bioStimulators, fat melters, hydrators, BIofillers 

Radiesse Hands
Hyperdilute Radiesse
SkinVive Hydrator
Platelet Rich Fibrin EZ Gel
Regenerative Volumization


What is Sculptra?

Sculptra contains poly-L-lactic acid, an injectable that stimulates the body's collagen production. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and firmness to the skin, but its production decreases with age. By injecting Sculptra throughout the face, it helps restore lost volume and smooth out wrinkles and crepery skin gradually over time. Sculptra results take 6-8 weeks to begin working and last about two years. 

What is Radiesse?

Radiesse is an injectable made of calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres. Used straight up, it is very cohesive and can mimic bone structure beautifully to build crisp cheeks and jawlines. When we dilute it, we can use its magic to stimulate collagen and elastin in areas that need it such as the neck, chest, arms, knees, thighs , abdomen, and buttocks to help smooth out crepey skin without adding too much volume. It is our #1 non surgical neck tightening treatment.

What is SkinVive?

SkinVive is an injectable internal hydrator that everyone is a candidate for. It naturally plumps and hydrates the skin without adding any volume. It is the perfect treatment for anyone looking for smooth, glowing skin. 

How does Kybella work?

Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a natural substance in the body that aids in the breakdown of dietary fat. When injected into the chin, for example, Kybella works by destroying the fat cells, resulting in a more sculpted and defined chin profile. The body then eliminates these broken-down fat cells over time, leading to a smoother and more contoured appearance. Kybella can be used on many stubborn pockets in fat int he body.

What is Platelet rich fibrin?

PRF or PRFM is a technique to generate a complex fibrin matrix rich in platelets, leukocytes and mesenchymal stem cells out of your own blood. This gel is that injected back into your skin, similarly to PRP, but it breaks down much slower creating even more robust results. This is an amazing treatment for treatment the crepey skin and pigmentation under the eyes for patients that are not a candidate for undereye filler. This is also a great option for patients that are looking to age "naturally" without the use of traditional fillers. This is the most advanced way that we can use your own blood to maintain a youthful, glowing appearance.

harness your body's natural ability to rejuvenate

skin treatments for all skin tones available in jersey city, new jersey

Chemical Peels, Microneedling, Sclerotherapy


Medical grade Microneedling
- with PRF or exosomes
Sach Signature Glass Facial
Sclerotherapy for spider veins
*add any VIPeel on to 3+ areas of Botox for $300
TCA cross


pricing by area

$410 full face

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What is a VIPeel?

VIPeel is a chemical peel that helps address various skincare concerns. It is a blend of ingredients including a unique combination of AHAs, BHAs, retinoic acid, phenols, and other beneficial compounds. When applied to the skin, VIPeel works by exfoliating the outermost layer, stimulating collagen production, and improving skin texture and tone. It can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation, resulting in a smoother, brighter, and more youthful skin. 

What is the downtime after a VIPeel & how often?

Expected downtime after a VIPeel is about 10 days. Days 3-5 tend to peel the most with shedding occuring all the way until the 2 week mark, especially on non facial areas like the neck and chest. Peels should always be done in a series for optimal results followed by maintenance peels done less frequently. At Sach Aesthetics, we recommend a series of 3 to 5 sessions, 4 weeks apart, depending on the severity of skin concerns. Maintenance includes a skincare routine that provides the right active ingredients for your concerns and peels done every 4-6 months as needed.

What is a TCA cross?

TCA cross involves applying a high concentration of trichloroacetic acid directly into targeted ice pick acne scars using a small wooden applicator. TCA cross works by promoting controlled chemical injury to the scarred tissues, stimulating collagen production and skin remodeling. Over time, this treatment helps to elevate the pitted scars, reduce their visibility, and improve the overall texture and smoothness of the skin. TCA cross is a highly complication treatment and must be done by an experianced cosmetic dermatology provider.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a skin treatment where we use a device that punctures the skin purposefully to induce collagen and elastin in the skin for smoother, tighter skin. This treatment is preventative for aging and helps create a natural glow with more refined pores, less crepey skin, and even tone. Microneedling is a great option for acne scarring (esp combined with subcision and biostimulators), crepey skin, stretchmarks, and texture. At Sach, we only offer medical grade microneedling which is deeper and has more downtime for more effective results.

How does sclerotherapy work for leg veins?

During a sclerotherapy treatment, we inject a sclerosing agent that damaged the walls of the spider veins causing them to collapse. It takes a few sessions to kill off these spider veins but once they are gone, they shunt the blood back into systemic circulation, which is beneficial to your body. We usually recommend 3-5 sessions spaced a month apart for best results.

jersey city and nyc's Hair Loss Specialists

Hair Loss Treatments


Hair loss consultation
*consult fee may be credited towards treatment
Exosome Hair Treatment
PRF Hair Treatment with microneedling
- package of 3 sessions



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How do hair loss consults work?

Hair loss consultations can be virtual or in person where we sit down and discuss the causes and treatment options for hair loss. We have over 7+ years treating hair loss as cosmetic dermatology experts and have customized treatment plans that combine at home treatment with in office regenerate hair loss treatments to help reduce hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. 

Do hair loss prescriptions work?

Absolutely -- but not all of them. At Sach Aesthetics, we will send you a fully customized, affordable compounded hair serum that combats your exact hair loss concerns. It combines highly effective medications that help reduce the effect of inflammation on the hair follicle, reduces the effect of testosterone in hair, promote exfoliation of the scalp to help new baby hairs grows, reduce falling out of hair, and maintain your current hairline as we promote new growth.

What entails a regeneration hair loss treatment?

Our regenerative hair loss treatment utilizes strategically placed injections of a proprietary  growth factor serum in the hairline. By providing a nutrient-rich "fertilizer" directly to the affected areas, our treatment encourages the growth of stronger, healthier hair over time. With over 450+ growth factors present in the serum, it helps to nourish the hair follicles, improve blood circulation, and reduce inflammation in the scalp – all essential factors for optimal hair growth. Most patients only need 1-2 treatments a year and the treatment is fairly tolerable because we start with a nerve block across the hairline to make sure our patients are as comfortable as possible 

Radhika utilizes her extensive experience in medical and cosmetic dermatology to personally curate the list of skincare products we recommend to our patients to help create the most perfect skincare regimen for their skin needs. Every product we choose to bring on here at Sach Aesthetics needs to meet extremely stringent quality indicators based on scientific research. Radhika is always testing and researching the newest advancements to see what is worthy on being on her patients' shelves so please check back periodically to see what else we have added! 

personally curated by our experts in dermatology

SKincare Brands

We have a curated list of products available from these brands to purchase in office or via email:
Skin Better Science
Aevi Wellness
Pavise Skincare
Jan Marini Skin Research
Obagi Medical Skincare